In the high matric suction region, the passive earth pressure and the critical bearing capacity gradually decrease and reach some constants. 在高基质吸力范围内,被动土压力和临界荷载均逐渐减小并趋于稳定;
Measurement of the Critical Constants of 1-Hexene and 1-Bromopropane 1-己烯、1-溴丙烷临界参数的实验测定
The reliability of the apparatus had been checked by measuring the critical constants of n-pentane. 测定了正戊烷的临界参数以证实该装置的可靠性。
The results show that there are three discontinuous points at the critical angles of phase constants, the critical angle of attenuation constants and 90 °. 计算结果表明,入射角在相移常数临界角、衰减常数临界角和90°处,横向偏移曲线存在三个间断点;
Critical values of the equivalent weight function are often fixed in constants in robust estimation. 抗差估计等价权函数中临界值一般定为常数。
The results show that there is a critical value in the rate constants, and that the blasting energy can be used efficiently only if the rate constant is larger than the critical value. 结果表明,反应速率常数存在阈值,只有反应速率足够大,才能充分利用爆炸能量。
The relation between critical temperature and the coupling constants for Union Jack lattice mixed-spin model UnionJack晶格上混合自旋模型临界温度与自旋耦合作用的关系
Critical values of the equivalent weight functions are often fixed in constants by experience in robust estimation. 抗差估计等价权函数的临界值一般为常数,由经验值确定。